History ======= Development - Merge in fixes to the :mod:`select` module examples from Michael Schurter. 1.132 - 24 Oct 2010, rewrite :mod:`ConfigParser` 1.131 - 17 Oct 2010, :mod:`sqlite3` - Updates to :mod:`xml.etree.ElementTree` - Updates to :mod:`resource` - Updates to :mod:`subprocess` - Updates to :mod:`sys` - Re-generate :mod:`platform` example output on more modern systems. - Updates to :mod:`threading` - Updates to :mod:`dircache` 1.130 - 10 Oct 2010, :mod:`random` - Updates to :mod:`contextlib`. - Updates to :mod:`logging`. - Updates to :mod:`mmap`. - Added more details about dialects to :mod:`csv`. - Updates to :mod:`difflib`. - Updates to :mod:`multiprocessing`. - Updates to :mod:`optparse`. - Updates to :mod:`pkgutil`. 1.129 - 3 Oct 2010, :mod:`select` 1.128.1 - 29 Sept 2010, Corrected the :class:`OrderedDict` equality example. 1.128 - 28 Sept 2010, Updated :mod:`collections` to add :class:`OrderedDict` and :class:`Counter`, as well as the *rename* argument to :class:`namedtuple`. 1.127 - 26 Sept 2010, :mod:`socket` 1.126 - 19 Sept 2010, :mod:`sysconfig` 1.125 - 12 Sept 2010, :mod:`pdb` 1.124.1 - 9 Sept 2010, Updated packaging to fix installation errors. 1.124 - 5 Sept 2010, :mod:`re` 1.123 - 29 Aug 2010, :mod:`codecs` 1.122 - 22 Aug 2010, :mod:`math` 1.121 - 15 Aug 2010, :mod:`doctest` 1.120 - 8 Aug 2010, :mod:`argparse` 1.119 - 11 July 2010, :mod:`gc` 1.118.1 - Updates to :mod:`locale` 1.118 - Roberto Pauletto's Italian translation has moved to http://robyp.x10hosting.com/ - 27 June 2010, :mod:`site` 1.117a - Added LifoQueue and PriorityQueue examples to :mod:`Queue`. - Completed an editing pass of the entire document, tweaking wording and formatting. 1.117 - Updated :mod:`fileinput` example to use :mod:`xml.etree.ElementTree`. Added an example to show how to get the filename and line number being processed. 1.116 - 21 Mar 2010, :ref:`xml.etree.ElementTree.creating` - Fixed example in :ref:`abc-abstract-properties` so both the setter and getter work. Thanks to Rune Hansen for pointing out the error in the original version. 1.115 - 14 Mar 2010, :ref:`xml.etree.ElementTree.parsing` 1.114 - 7 Mar 2010, :mod:`tabnanny` 1.113 - 30 Jan 2010, :mod:`cgitb` - Added reference to presentation about using PyObjC to read/write binary plist files to :mod:`plist`. 1.112 - 29 Nov 2009, :mod:`plistlib` 1.111.1 - Clarify memory example based on comment from tartley. - Fix core dump detection in commands_getstatusoutput.py. Thanks to Felix Labrecque for pointing out that it was wrong. 1.111 - 23 Nov 2009, :mod:`sys`, continued with :ref:`sys-imports` 1.110 - 15 Nov 2009, :mod:`sys`, continued with :ref:`sys-threads` 1.109 - 8 Nov 2009, :mod:`sys`, continued with :ref:`sys-tracing` 1.108 - 1 Nov 2009, :mod:`sys`, continued with :ref:`sys-exceptions` 1.107 - 25 Oct 2009, :mod:`sys`, continued with :ref:`sys-limits` 1.106 - 18 Oct 2009, :mod:`sys`, continued with :ref:`sys-runtime` 1.105 - 12 Oct 2009, :mod:`sys` started with :ref:`sys-interpreter` 1.104 - 20 Sept 2009, :mod:`resource` 1.103 - 5 Sept 2009, :mod:`fractions` 1.102 - 30 Aug 2009, :mod:`decimal` 1.101 - 23 Aug 2009, :mod:`dis` 1.100 - 9 Aug 2009, :mod:`pydoc` - Add pipes example to :mod:`subprocess`. - Add circular reference example to :mod:`pickle`. - Use the Sphinx text builder to create clean plaintext files for use with motw command line app. - Use :mod:`pydoc` ``pager()`` to show plaintext help from :ref:`motw-cli`. - Add built-in function ``motw()`` so that importing PyMOTW into your interactive session makes it easy to get to the examples interactively. See :ref:`motw-interactive`. 1.99 - 2 Aug 2009, Add :ref:`article-data-structures` article. 1.98 - Added link to Roberto Pauletto's Italian translation. - 27 July 2009, Add :ref:`article-text-processing` article. 1.97 - 19 July 2009, :mod:`urllib2` 1.96 - 12 July 2009, :ref:`article-file-access` 1.95 - 5 July 2009, :mod:`abc` - Rearrange packaging to install the HTML files. - Add ``motw`` command line app to show PyMOTW article on a given module, similar to pydoc. 1.94 - Moved ``run_script()`` from pavement.py to `sphinxcontrib-paverutils `_ 1.1. - 28 June 2009, :mod:`pyclbr` 1.93 - 21 Jun 2009, :mod:`robotparser` 1.92 - 14 June 2009, :mod:`gettext` - Added Windows info to :mod:`platform`, courtesy of Scott Lyons. - Added process group example to :mod:`subprocess`, courtesy of Scott Leerssen. 1.91 - Add :ref:`article-data-persistence` article. - Correct link to library table of contents on python.org from about page. Thanks to Tetsuya Morimoto for pointing out the broken link. - Add information about Tetsuya Morimoto's Japanese translation. - Add link to jsonpickle on :mod:`json` article, courtesy of Sebastien Binet. - Add time-stamps to HTML output - Remove extraneous javascript file from web html template to avoid 404 errors 1.90 - 24 May 2009, :mod:`json` - updated daemon process examples in :mod:`multiprocessing` 1.89 - 28 April 2009, :mod:`multiprocessing` (part 2, communication and MapReduce example) 1.88 - 19 April 2009, :mod:`multiprocessing` (part 1, basic usage) - Upgraded to Python 2.6.2. - Add options to blog command in pavement.py to let the user specify alternate input and output file names for the blog HTML. - Added namedtuple example to :mod:`collections`. 1.87.1 - Added dialect example to :mod:`csv` to show how to parse files with ``|``-delimited fields. 1.87 - 5 Apr 2009, :mod:`pipes` - Converted PEP links to use ``pep`` role. - Converted RFC references to use ``rfc`` role. - Updated examples in :mod:`warnings` and :mod:`string` to work with changes in Python 2.6.1. 1.86.1 - Updated working environment to use Paver 1.0b1. - Corrected errors in ``*.rst`` files identified by update to new version of Paver that doesn't let cog errors slide. - Added ignore_error option to run_script() in pavement.py so scripts with errors I'm expecting can be quietly ignored. - Finished converting all articles to use cog, where appropriate. 1.86 - 14 Mar 2009, :mod:`asynchat` - Move to bitbucket.org for DVCS hosting - Updated description of ``uuid4()`` in :mod:`uuid` based on feedback via O'Reilly blog comment. 1.85 - 1 Mar 2009, :mod:`asyncore` - Continue converting older articles to use cog. - Fix subprocess examples so they work if the permissions on the "child" scripts haven't been changed from the default way they are installed. 1.84 - 22 Feb 2009, :mod:`tarfile` - Updated DictWriter example in :mod:`csv` based on feedback from Trilok Khairnar. - Cleaned up use of cog in a few older modules 1.83 - 15 Feb 2009, :mod:`grp` - Continue converting older articles to use cog. 1.82 - 8 Feb 2009, :mod:`pwd` - Fix ``set_unixfrom()`` examples in :mod:`mailbox` article based on feedback from Tom Lynn. - Add this history section 1.81 - 18 Jan 2009, :mod:`compileall` 1.80 - 4 Jan 2009, :mod:`bz2` 1.79 - 28 Dec 2008, :mod:`zlib`. 1.78.1 - Updated :mod:`gzip` examples to avoid using built-in names for local variables. 1.78 - 7 Dec 2008, :mod:`gzip`. 1.77 - 30 Nov 2008, :mod:`readline` and :mod:`rlcompleter` 1.76 - 9 Nov 2008, :mod:`array` 1.75 - 2 Nov 2008, :mod:`struct`. 1.74.1 - Update formatting of several modules to make them more consistent. 1.74 - 19 Oct 2008, :mod:`smtpd`. 1.73 - 12 Oct 2008, :mod:`trace` 1.72 - 5 Oct 2008, :mod:`smtplib` 1.71 - 26 Sept 2008, :mod:`mailbox` 1.70.4 - Update formatting of several modules and fix the examples on the :mod:`difflib` page. 1.70.3 - 21 Sept 2008 :mod:`imaplib` 1.70.2 - 21 Sept 2008 :mod:`imaplib` 1.70.1 - 21 Sept 2008 :mod:`imaplib` (markup fixed). 1.70 - 21 Sept 2008, :mod:`imaplib`. 1.69 - 14 Sept 2008, :mod:`anydbm` and related modules. 1.68 - Sept 12, 2008, :mod:`exceptions` 1.67.1 - minor changes to accommodate site redesign 1.67 - 31 Aug 2008, overing :mod:`profile`, :mod:`cProfile`, and :mod:`pstats`. 1.66.1 - Fix a logic bug in the code that prints the currently registered signals. 1.66 - 17 Aug 2008, :mod:`signal` 1.65 - 10 Aug 2008, adding Sphinx-generated documentation all of the modules covered so far. 1.64 - 3 Aug 2008 :mod:`webbrowser` 1.63 - 27 July 2008, :mod:`uuid` 1.62 - 20 July 2008 :mod:`base64`. 1.61 - 6 July 2008, :mod:`xmlrpclib`. 1.60 - 29 June 2008, :mod:`SimpleXMLRPCServer` 1.59 - 22 June 2008, :mod:`warnings` 1.58 - 15 June 2008, :mod:`platform` 1.57 - 8 June 2008, :mod:`dircache`. 1.56 - 1 June 2008, :mod:`Cookie` 1.55 - 25 May 2008, :mod:`contextlib` 1.54 - 18 May 2008, :mod:`traceback`. 1.53 - 11 May 2008, :mod:`heapq`. 1.52 - 4 May 2008, :mod:`cmd`. 1.51 - 27 Apr 2008, :mod:`functools`. 1.50 - 20 Apr 2008, :mod:`filecmp`. 1.49 - 13 April 2008, :mod:`fnmatch`. 1.48 - 4 April 2008, :mod:`operator`. 1.47 - 30 March 2008, :mod:`urllib`. 1.46 - 23 March 2008, :mod:`collections`. 1.45 - PyCon 2008 edition for 16 Mar 2008, :mod:`datetime`. 1.44 - 9 Mar 2008, :mod:`time` 1.43 - 2 March 2008, :mod:`EasyDialogs`. 1.42 - 24 Feb 2008 :mod:`imp`. 1.41 - 17 Feb 2008, :mod:`pkgutil`. 1.40 - 10 Feb 2008, :mod:`tempfile`. 1.39 - 3 Feb 2008, :mod:`string`. 1.38 - 26 Jan 2008, :mod:`os.path`. 1.37 - 19 Jan 2008, :mod:`hashlib`. 1.36 - 13 Jan 2008, :mod:`threading` 1.35 - 6 Jan 2008, :mod:`weakref`. 1.34 - 30 Dec 2007, :mod:`mmap`. 1.33.1 - Correction for release 1.33 for 22 Dec 2007 the :mod:`zipimport` module. 1.33 - 22 Dec 2007, :mod:`zipimport`. 1.32 - 16 Dec 2007 :mod:`zipfile`. 1.31 - 9 Dec 2007, :mod:`BaseHTTPServer` 1.30 - Dec 2, 2007 :mod:`SocketServer` 1.29 - Nov 25, 2007 :mod:`inspect`. 1.28 - Nov 15, 2007 :mod:`urlparse` 1.27 - 10 Nov 2007, :mod:`pprint` 1.26 - 4 Nov 2007, :mod:`shutils` 1.25 - 28 Oct 2007, :mod:`commands` 1.24 - 20 Oct 2007, :mod:`itertools` 1.23 - Added another :mod:`difflib` example based on comments on that post. 1.22 - 14 Oct 2007, :mod:`shlex`. 1.21 - 7 Oct 2007, :mod:`difflib`. 1.20 - 30 Sept 2007, :mod:`copy` 1.19 - 25 Sept 2007, :mod:`sched` 1.18 - 20 September 2007, :mod:`timeit` 1.17 - 12 Sept 2007, :mod:`hmac` 1.16 - 3 Sept 2007, :mod:`unittest` 1.15 - 27 Aug, 2007 :mod:`optparse`. 1.14 - 20 Aug 2007, :mod:`csv` 1.13 - 12 Aug 2007, :mod:`getopt`. 1.12 - August 5, 2007, :mod:`shelve` 1.11 - July 30, 2007, :mod:`glob` 1.10 - July 22, 2007, :mod:`calendar` 1.9 - July 15, 2007, :mod:`getpass` 1.8 - July 8, 2007, :mod:`atexit` 1.7 - July 1, 2007, :mod:`subprocess` 1.6 - June 24, 2007, :mod:`pickle` 1.5 - June 17, 2007, wrapping up the :mod:`os` module. 1.4 - June 10, 2007, :mod:`os` module files and directories. 1.3 - June 3, 2007, continuing coverage of :mod:`os` 1.2 - May 27, 2007, :mod:`os` 1.1 - May 20, 2007, :mod:`locale` 1.0 - First packaged release, includes :mod:`fileinput`, :mod:`ConfigParser`, :mod:`Queue`, :mod:`StringIO`, :mod:`textwrap`, :mod:`linecache`, :mod:`bisect`, and :mod:`logging`.