datetime — Date and Time Value Manipulation

Purpose:The datetime module includes functions and classes for doing date and time parsing, formatting, and arithmetic.

datetime contains functions and classes for working with dates and times, separately and together.


Time values are represented with the time class. A time instance has attributes for hour, minute, second, and microsecond and can also include time zone information.
import datetime

t = datetime.time(1, 2, 3)
print('hour       :', t.hour)
print('minute     :', t.minute)
print('second     :', t.second)
print('microsecond:', t.microsecond)
print('tzinfo     :', t.tzinfo)

The arguments to initialize a time instance are optional, but the default of 0 is unlikely to be correct.

$ python3

hour       : 1
minute     : 2
second     : 3
microsecond: 0
tzinfo     : None

A time instance only holds values of time, and not a date associated with the time.
import datetime

print('Earliest  :', datetime.time.min)
print('Latest    :', datetime.time.max)
print('Resolution:', datetime.time.resolution)

The min and max class attributes reflect the valid range of times in a single day.

$ python3

Earliest  : 00:00:00
Latest    : 23:59:59.999999
Resolution: 0:00:00.000001

The resolution for time is limited to whole microseconds.
import datetime

for m in [1, 0, 0.1, 0.6]:
        print('{:02.1f} :'.format(m),
              datetime.time(0, 0, 0, microsecond=m))
    except TypeError as err:
        print('ERROR:', err)

Floating point values for microseconds cause a TypeError.

$ python3

1.0 : 00:00:00.000001
0.0 : 00:00:00
ERROR: integer argument expected, got float
ERROR: integer argument expected, got float


Calendar date values are represented with the date class. Instances have attributes for year, month, and day. It is easy to create a date representing the current date using the today() class method.
import datetime

today =
print('ctime  :', today.ctime())
tt = today.timetuple()
print('tuple  : tm_year  =', tt.tm_year)
print('         tm_mon   =', tt.tm_mon)
print('         tm_mday  =', tt.tm_mday)
print('         tm_hour  =', tt.tm_hour)
print('         tm_min   =', tt.tm_min)
print('         tm_sec   =', tt.tm_sec)
print('         tm_wday  =', tt.tm_wday)
print('         tm_yday  =', tt.tm_yday)
print('         tm_isdst =', tt.tm_isdst)
print('ordinal:', today.toordinal())
print('Year   :', today.year)
print('Mon    :', today.month)
print('Day    :',

This example prints the current date in several formats:

$ python3

ctime  : Sun Dec  9 00:00:00 2018
tuple  : tm_year  = 2018
         tm_mon   = 12
         tm_mday  = 9
         tm_hour  = 0
         tm_min   = 0
         tm_sec   = 0
         tm_wday  = 6
         tm_yday  = 343
         tm_isdst = -1
ordinal: 737037
Year   : 2018
Mon    : 12
Day    : 9

There are also class methods for creating instances from POSIX timestamps or integers representing date values from the Gregorian calendar, where January 1 of the year 1 is 1 and each subsequent day increments the value by 1.
import datetime
import time

o = 733114
print('o               :', o)
print('fromordinal(o)  :',

t = time.time()
print('t               :', t)

This example illustrates the different value types used by fromordinal() and fromtimestamp().

$ python3

o               : 733114
fromordinal(o)  : 2008-03-13
t               : 1544370390.0430489
fromtimestamp(t): 2018-12-09

As with time, the range of date values supported can be determined using the min and max attributes.
import datetime

print('Earliest  :',
print('Latest    :',

The resolution for dates is whole days.

$ python3

Earliest  : 0001-01-01
Latest    : 9999-12-31
Resolution: 1 day, 0:00:00

Another way to create new date instances uses the replace() method of an existing date.
import datetime

d1 =, 3, 29)
print('d1:', d1.ctime())

d2 = d1.replace(year=2009)
print('d2:', d2.ctime())

This example changes the year, leaving the day and month unmodified.

$ python3

d1: Sat Mar 29 00:00:00 2008
d2: Sun Mar 29 00:00:00 2009


Future and past dates can be calculated using basic arithmetic on two datetime objects, or by combining a datetime with a timedelta. Subtracting dates produces a timedelta, and a timedelta can be added or subtracted from a date to produce another date. The internal values for a timedelta are stored in days, seconds, and microseconds.
import datetime

print('microseconds:', datetime.timedelta(microseconds=1))
print('milliseconds:', datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=1))
print('seconds     :', datetime.timedelta(seconds=1))
print('minutes     :', datetime.timedelta(minutes=1))
print('hours       :', datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
print('days        :', datetime.timedelta(days=1))
print('weeks       :', datetime.timedelta(weeks=1))

Intermediate level values passed to the constructor are converted into days, seconds, and microseconds.

$ python3

microseconds: 0:00:00.000001
milliseconds: 0:00:00.001000
seconds     : 0:00:01
minutes     : 0:01:00
hours       : 1:00:00
days        : 1 day, 0:00:00
weeks       : 7 days, 0:00:00

The full duration of a timedelta can be retrieved as a number of seconds using total_seconds().
import datetime

for delta in [datetime.timedelta(microseconds=1),
    print('{:15} = {:8} seconds'.format(
        str(delta), delta.total_seconds())

The return value is a floating point number, to accommodate sub-second durations.

$ python3

0:00:00.000001  =    1e-06 seconds
0:00:00.001000  =    0.001 seconds
0:00:01         =      1.0 seconds
0:01:00         =     60.0 seconds
1:00:00         =   3600.0 seconds
1 day, 0:00:00  =  86400.0 seconds
7 days, 0:00:00 = 604800.0 seconds

Date Arithmetic

Date math uses the standard arithmetic operators.
import datetime

today =
print('Today    :', today)

one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
print('One day  :', one_day)

yesterday = today - one_day
print('Yesterday:', yesterday)

tomorrow = today + one_day
print('Tomorrow :', tomorrow)

print('tomorrow - yesterday:', tomorrow - yesterday)
print('yesterday - tomorrow:', yesterday - tomorrow)

This example with date objects illustrates using timedelta objects to compute new dates, and subtracting date instances to produce timedeltas (including a negative delta value).

$ python3

Today    : 2018-12-09
One day  : 1 day, 0:00:00
Yesterday: 2018-12-08
Tomorrow : 2018-12-10

tomorrow - yesterday: 2 days, 0:00:00
yesterday - tomorrow: -2 days, 0:00:00

A timedelta object also supports arithmetic with integers, floats, and other timedelta instances.
import datetime

one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
print('1 day    :', one_day)
print('5 days   :', one_day * 5)
print('1.5 days :', one_day * 1.5)
print('1/4 day  :', one_day / 4)

# assume an hour for lunch
work_day = datetime.timedelta(hours=7)
meeting_length = datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
print('meetings per day :', work_day / meeting_length)

In this example, several multiples of a single day are computed, with the resulting timedelta holding the appropriate number of days or hours. The final example demonstrates how to compute values by combining two timedelta objects. In this case, the result is a floating point number.

$ python3

1 day    : 1 day, 0:00:00
5 days   : 5 days, 0:00:00
1.5 days : 1 day, 12:00:00
1/4 day  : 6:00:00
meetings per day : 7.0

Comparing Values

Both date and time values can be compared using the standard comparison operators to determine which is earlier or later.
import datetime
import time

t1 = datetime.time(12, 55, 0)
print('  t1:', t1)
t2 = datetime.time(13, 5, 0)
print('  t2:', t2)
print('  t1 < t2:', t1 < t2)

d1 =
print('  d1:', d1)
d2 = + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
print('  d2:', d2)
print('  d1 > d2:', d1 > d2)

All comparison operators are supported.

$ python3

  t1: 12:55:00
  t2: 13:05:00
  t1 < t2: True

  d1: 2018-12-09
  d2: 2018-12-10
  d1 > d2: False

Combining Dates and Times

Use the datetime class to hold values consisting of both date and time components. As with date, there are several convenient class methods to make creating datetime instances from other common values.
import datetime

print('Now    :',
print('Today  :',
print('UTC Now:', datetime.datetime.utcnow())

    'year', 'month', 'day',
    'hour', 'minute', 'second',

d =
for attr in FIELDS:
    print('{:15}: {}'.format(attr, getattr(d, attr)))

As might be expected, the datetime instance has all of the attributes of both a date and a time object.

$ python3

Now    : 2018-12-09 10:46:30.494767
Today  : 2018-12-09 10:46:30.494806
UTC Now: 2018-12-09 15:46:30.494812

year           : 2018
month          : 12
day            : 9
hour           : 10
minute         : 46
second         : 30
microsecond    : 495051

Just as with date, datetime provides convenient class methods for creating new instances. It also includes fromordinal() and fromtimestamp().
import datetime

t = datetime.time(1, 2, 3)
print('t :', t)

d =
print('d :', d)

dt = datetime.datetime.combine(d, t)
print('dt:', dt)

combine() creates datetime instances from one date and one time instance.

$ python3

t : 01:02:03
d : 2018-12-09
dt: 2018-12-09 01:02:03

Formatting and Parsing

The default string representation of a datetime object uses the ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm). Alternate formats can be generated using strftime().
import datetime

format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"

today =
print('ISO     :', today)

s = today.strftime(format)
print('strftime:', s)

d = datetime.datetime.strptime(s, format)
print('strptime:', d.strftime(format))

Use datetime.strptime() to convert formatted strings to datetime instances.

$ python3

ISO     : 2018-12-09 10:46:30.598115
strftime: Sun Dec 09 10:46:30 2018
strptime: Sun Dec 09 10:46:30 2018

The same formatting codes can be used with Python’s string formatting mini-language by placing them after the : in the field specification of the format string.
import datetime

today =
print('ISO     :', today)
print('format(): {:%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y}'.format(today))

Each datetime format code must still be prefixed with %, and subsequent colons are treated as literal characters to include in the output.

$ python3

ISO     : 2018-12-09 10:46:30.659964
format(): Sun Dec 09 10:46:30 2018

The following table demonstrates all of the formatting codes for 5:00 PM January 13, 2016 in the US/Eastern time zone.

strptime/strftime format codes
Symbol Meaning Example
%a Abbreviated weekday name 'Wed'
%A Full weekday name 'Wednesday'
%w Weekday number – 0 (Sunday) through 6 (Saturday) '3'
%d Day of the month (zero padded) '13'
%b Abbreviated month name 'Jan'
%B Full month name 'January'
%m Month of the year '01'
%y Year without century '16'
%Y Year with century '2016'
%H Hour from 24-hour clock '17'
%I Hour from 12-hour clock '05'
%p AM/PM 'PM'
%M Minutes '00'
%S Seconds '00'
%f Microseconds '000000'
%z UTC offset for time zone-aware objects '-0500'
%Z Time Zone name 'EST'
%j Day of the year '013'
%W Week of the year '02'
%c Date and time representation for the current locale 'Wed Jan 13 17:00:00 2016'
%x Date representation for the current locale '01/13/16'
%X Time representation for the current locale '17:00:00'
%% A literal % character '%'

Time Zones

Within datetime, time zones are represented by subclasses of tzinfo. Since tzinfo is an abstract base class, applications need to define a subclass and provide appropriate implementations for a few methods to make it useful.

datetime does include a somewhat naive implementation in the class timezone that uses a fixed offset from UTC, and does not support different offset values on different days of the year, such as where daylight savings time applies, or where the offset from UTC has changed over time.
import datetime

min6 = datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours=-6))
plus6 = datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours=6))
d =

print(min6, ':', d)
print(datetime.timezone.utc, ':',
print(plus6, ':', d.astimezone(plus6))

# convert to the current system timezone
d_system = d.astimezone()
print(d_system.tzinfo, '      :', d_system)

To convert a datetime value from one time zone to another, use astimezone(). In the example above, two separate time zones 6 hours on either side of UTC are shown, and the utc instance from datetime.timezone is also used for reference. The final output line shows the value in the system timezone, acquired by calling astimezone() with no argument.

$ python3

UTC-06:00 : 2018-12-09 09:46:30.709455-06:00
UTC : 2018-12-09 15:46:30.709455+00:00
UTC+06:00 : 2018-12-09 21:46:30.709455+06:00
EST       : 2018-12-09 10:46:30.709455-05:00


The third party module pytz is a better implementation for time zones. It supports named time zones, and the offset database is kept up to date as changes are made by political bodies around the world.

See also