grp – Unix Group Database

Purpose:Read group data from Unix group database.
Available In:1.4 and later

The grp module can be used to read information about Unix groups from the group database (usually /etc/group). The read-only interface returns tuple-like objects with named attributes for the standard fields of a group record.

Index Attribute Meaning
0 gr_name Name
1 gr_passwd Password, if any (encrypted)
2 gr_gid Numerical id (integer)
3 gr_mem Names of group members

The name and password values are both strings, the GID is an integer, and the members are reported as a list of strings.

Querying All Groups

Suppose you need to print a report of all of the “real” groups on a system, including their members (for our purposes, “real” is defined as having a name not starting with “_”). To load the entire password database, you would use getgrall(). The return value is a list with an undefined order, so you probably want to sort it before printing the report.

import grp
import operator

# Load all of the user data, sorted by username
all_groups = grp.getgrall()
interesting_groups = sorted((g 
                            for g in all_groups 
                            if not g.gr_name.startswith('_')),

# Find the longest length for the name
name_length = max(len(g.gr_name) for g in interesting_groups) + 1

# Print report headers
fmt = '%-*s %4s %10s %s'
print fmt % (name_length, 'Name', 
print '-' * name_length, '----', '-' * 10, '-' * 30

# Print the data
for g in interesting_groups:
    print fmt % (name_length, g.gr_name, 
                 ', '.join(g.gr_mem))
$ python

Name                                      GID   Password Members
---------------------------------------- ---- ---------- ------------------------------
accessibility                              90          *
accessibility                              90          *
admin                                      80          * root, dhellmann
admin                                      80          * root
authedusers                                50          *
authedusers                                50          *
bin                                         7          *
bin                                         7          *
certusers                                  29          * root, _jabber, _postfix, _cyrus, _calendar, _dovecot
certusers                                  29          * root, _jabber, _postfix, _cyrus, _calendar, _dovecot            401            dhellmann   101            dhellmann                      102            dhellmann
consoleusers                               53          *
consoleusers                               53          *
daemon                                      1          * root
daemon                                      1          * root
dhellmann                                 501
dialer                                     68          *
dialer                                     68          *
everyone                                   12          *
everyone                                   12          *
group                                      16          *
group                                      16          *
interactusers                              51          *
interactusers                              51          *
kmem                                        2          * root
kmem                                        2          * root
localaccounts                              61          *
localaccounts                              61          *
mail                                        6          * _teamsserver
mail                                        6          * _teamsserver
netaccounts                                62          *
netaccounts                                62          *
netusers                                   52          *
netusers                                   52          *
network                                    69          *
network                                    69          *
nobody                                   4294967294          *
nobody                                   4294967294          *
nogroup                                  4294967295          *
nogroup                                  4294967295          *
operator                                    5          * root
operator                                    5          * root
owner                                      10          *
owner                                      10          *
procmod                                     9          * root
procmod                                     9          * root
procview                                    8          * root
procview                                    8          * root
racemi                                    500            dhellmann
smmsp                                     103          *
staff                                      20          * root
staff                                      20          * root
sys                                         3          * root
sys                                         3          * root
tty                                         4          * root
tty                                         4          * root
utmp                                       45          *
utmp                                       45          *
wheel                                       0          * root
wheel                                       0          * root

Group Memberships for a User

Another common task might be to print a list of all the groups for a given user:

import grp

username = 'dhellmann'
groups = [g.gr_name for g in grp.getgrall() if username in g.gr_mem]
print username, 'belongs to:', ', '.join(groups)
$ python

dhellmann belongs to: _lpadmin, admin,,,, racemi

Finding a Group By Name

As with pwd, it is also possible to query for information about a specific group, either by name or numeric id.

import grp

name = 'admin'
info = grp.getgrnam(name)
print 'Name    :', info.gr_name
print 'GID     :', info.gr_gid
print 'Password:', info.gr_passwd
print 'Members :', ', '.join(info.gr_mem)
$ python

Name    : admin
GID     : 80
Password: *
Members : root, dhellmann

Finding a Group by ID

To identify the group running the current process, combine getgrgid() with os.getgid().

import grp
import os

gid = os.getgid()
group_info = grp.getgrgid(gid)
print 'Currently running with GID=%s name=%s' % (gid, group_info.gr_name)
$ python

Currently running with GID=501 name=dhellmann

And to get the group name based on the permissions on a file, look up the group returned by os.stat().

import grp
import os
import sys

filename = ''
stat_info = os.stat(filename)
owner = grp.getgrgid(stat_info.st_gid).gr_name

print '%s is owned by %s (%s)' % (filename, owner, stat_info.st_gid)
$ python is owned by dhellmann (501)

See also

The standard library documentation for this module.
Read user data from the password database.
Read user data from the shadow password database.