| | |
a | |
abc |
Abstract Base Classes |
anydbm |
anydbm provides a generic dictionary-like interface to DBM-style, string-keyed databases |
argparse |
Command line option and argument parsing. |
array |
Manage sequences of fixed-type numerical data efficiently. |
asynchat |
Asynchronous protocol handler |
asyncore |
Asynchronous I/O handler |
atexit |
Register function(s) to be called when a program is closing down. |
| | |
b | |
base64 |
Encode binary data into ASCII characters. |
BaseHTTPServer |
Provides base classes for implementing web servers. |
bisect |
Maintains a list in sorted order without having to call sort each time an item is added to the list. |
bz2 |
bzip2 compression |
| | |
c | |
calendar |
The calendar module implements classes for working with dates to manage year/month/week oriented values. |
cgitb |
Mis-named module that provides extended traceback information. |
cmd |
Create line-oriented command processors. |
codecs |
String encoding and decoding. |
collections |
Container data types. |
commands |
Run external shell commands and capture the status code and output. |
compileall |
Byte-compile Source Files |
ConfigParser |
Read/write configuration files similar to Windows INI files |
contextlib |
Utilities for creating and working with context managers. |
Cookie |
Working with HTTP cookies from the server side. |
copy |
Provides functions for duplicating objects using shallow or deep copy semantics. |
cPickle |
Python object serialization |
cProfile |
Performance analysis of Python programs. |
cStringIO |
Work with text buffers using file-like API |
csv |
Read and write comma separated value files. |
| | |
d | |
datetime |
Date/time value manipulation. |
dbhash |
DBM-style API for the BSD database library |
dbm |
Simple database interface |
decimal |
Fixed and floating point math |
difflib |
Compare sequences, especially lines of text. |
dircache |
Cache directory listings |
dis |
Python Bytecode Disassembler |
doctest |
Write automated tests as part of the documentation for a module. |
dumbdbm |
Portable DBM Implementation |
| | |
e | |
EasyDialogs |
Provides simple interfaces to Carbon dialogs from Python. |
exceptions |
Built-in error classes |
| | |
f | |
filecmp |
Compare files and directories on the filesystem. |
fileinput |
Process lines from input streams. |
fnmatch |
Compare filenames against Unix-style glob patterns. |
fractions |
Implements a class for working with rational numbers. |
functools |
Tools for working with functions. |
| | |
g | |
gc |
Garbage Collector |
gdbm |
GNU's version of the dbm library |
getopt |
Command line option parsing |
getpass |
Prompt the user for a value, usually a password, without echoing what they type to the console. |
gettext |
Message Catalogs |
glob |
Use Unix shell rules to fine filenames matching a pattern. |
grp |
Unix Group Database |
gzip |
Read and write gzip files |
| | |
h | |
hashlib |
Cryptographic hashes and message digests |
heapq |
In-place heap sort algorithm |
hmac |
Cryptographic signature and verification of messages. |
| | |
i | |
imaplib |
IMAP4 client library |
imp |
Interface to module import mechanism. |
inspect |
Inspect live objects |
itertools |
Iterator functions for efficient looping |
| | |
j | |
json |
JavaScript Object Notation Serializer |
| | |
l | |
linecache |
Retrieve lines of text from files or imported python modules, holding a cache of the results to make reading many lines from the same file more efficient. |
locale |
POSIX cultural localization API |
logging |
Report status, error, and informational messages. |
| | |
m | |
mailbox |
Access and manipulate email archives. |
math |
Mathematical functions |
mhlib |
Work with MH mailboxes |
mmap |
Memory-map files |
multiprocessing |
Manage processes like threads. |
| | |
o | |
operator |
Functional interface to built-in operators |
optparse |
Command line option parser to replace :mod:`getopt`. |
os |
Portable access to operating system specific features. |
os.path |
Platform-independent manipulation of file names. |
| | |
p | |
pdb |
Interactive Debugger |
pickle |
Python object serialization |
pipes |
Unix shell command pipeline templates |
pkgutil |
Package utilities |
platform |
Access system hardware, OS, and interpreter version information. |
plistlib |
Manipulate OS X property list files |
pprint |
Pretty-print data structures |
profile |
Performance analysis of Python programs. |
pstats |
Manipulate and analyze profile statistics. |
pwd |
Unix Password Database |
pyclbr |
Python class browser support |
pydoc |
Online help for Python modules |
| | |
q | |
Queue |
Provides a thread-safe FIFO implementation |
| | |
r | |
random |
Pseudorandom number generators |
re |
Searching within and changing text using formal patterns. |
readline |
Interface to the GNU readline library |
resource |
System resource management |
rlcompleter |
Adds tab-completion to the interactive interpreter |
robotparser |
Internet spider access control |
| | |
s | |
sched |
Generic event scheduler. |
select |
Wait for I/O Efficiently |
shelve |
Persistent storage of arbitrary Python objects |
shlex |
Lexical analysis of shell-style syntaxes. |
shutil |
High-level file operations. |
signal |
Receive notification of asynchronous system events |
SimpleXMLRPCServer |
Implements an XML-RPC server. |
site |
Site-wide configuration |
sitecustomize |
Site-specific configuration |
smtpd |
Includes classes for implementing SMTP servers. |
smtplib |
Simple mail transfer protocol client. |
socket |
Network communication |
SocketServer |
Creating network servers. |
sqlite3 |
Embedded relational database |
string |
Contains constants and classes for working with text. |
StringIO |
Work with text buffers using file-like API |
struct |
Convert between strings and binary data. |
subprocess |
Work with additional processes |
sys |
System-specific configuration |
sysconfig |
Interpreter Compile-time Configuration |
| | |
t | |
tabnanny |
Scan Python source code looking for suspicious indentation. |
tarfile |
Tar archive access |
tempfile |
Create temporary filesystem resources. |
textwrap |
Formatting text by adjusting where line breaks occur in a paragraph. |
threading |
Manage several concurrent threads of execution. |
time |
Functions for manipulating clock time |
timeit |
Time the execution of small bits of Python code. |
trace |
Follow Python statements as they are executed. |
traceback |
Extract, format, and print exceptions and stack traces. |
| | |
u | |
unittest |
Automated testing framework |
urllib |
Accessing remote resources that don't need authentication, cookies, etc. |
urllib2 |
Library for opening URLs. |
urlparse |
Split URL into component pieces. |
usercustomize |
User-specific configuration |
uuid |
Universally unique identifiers |
| | |
w | |
warnings |
Deliver non-fatal alerts to the user about issues encountered when running a program. |
weakref |
Refer to an "expensive" object, but allow it to be garbage collected if there are no other non-weak references. |
webbrowser |
Displays web pages |
whichdb |
Identify DBM-style database formats |
| | |
x | |
xml |
xml.etree.ElementTree |
XML Manipulation API |
xmlrpclib |
Client-side library for XML-RPC communication. |
| | |
z | |
zipfile |
Read and write ZIP archive files. |
zipimport |
Load Python code from inside ZIP archives. |
zlib |
Low-level access to GNU zlib compression library |