shutil – High-level file operations.

Purpose:High-level file operations.
Available In:1.4 and later

The shutil module includes high-level file operations such as copying, setting permissions, etc.

Copying Files

copyfile() copies the contents of the source to the destination. Raises IOError if you do not have permission to write to the destination file. Because the function opens the input file for reading, regardless of its type, special files cannot be copied as new special files with copyfile().

from shutil import *
from glob import glob

print 'BEFORE:', glob('shutil_copyfile.*')
copyfile('', '')
print 'AFTER:', glob('shutil_copyfile.*')
$ python

BEFORE: ['']
AFTER: ['', '']

copyfile() is written using the lower-level function copyfileobj(). While the arguments to copyfile() are file names, the arguments to copyfileobj() are open file handles. The optional third argument is a buffer length to use for reading in chunks (by default, the entire file is read at one time).

from shutil import *
import os
from StringIO import StringIO
import sys

class VerboseStringIO(StringIO):
    def read(self, n=-1):
        next =, n)
        print 'read(%d) =>' % n, next
        return next

lorem_ipsum = '''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. 
Vestibulum aliquam mollis dolor. Donec vulputate nunc ut diam. 
Ut rutrum mi vel sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum.'''

print 'Default:'
input = VerboseStringIO(lorem_ipsum)
output = StringIO()
copyfileobj(input, output)


print 'All at once:'
input = VerboseStringIO(lorem_ipsum)
output = StringIO()
copyfileobj(input, output, -1)


print 'Blocks of 20:'
input = VerboseStringIO(lorem_ipsum)
output = StringIO()
copyfileobj(input, output, 20)

The default behavior is to read using large blocks. Use -1 to read all of the input at one time or another positive integer to set your own block size.

$ python

read(16384) => Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Vestibulum aliquam mollis dolor. Donec vulputate nunc ut diam.
Ut rutrum mi vel sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum.
read(16384) =>

All at once:
read(-1) => Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Vestibulum aliquam mollis dolor. Donec vulputate nunc ut diam.
Ut rutrum mi vel sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum.
read(-1) =>

Blocks of 20:
read(20) => Lorem ipsum dolor si
read(20) => t amet, consectetuer
read(20) =>  adipiscing elit.
read(20) => estibulum aliquam mo
read(20) => llis dolor. Donec vu
read(20) => lputate nunc ut diam
read(20) => .
Ut rutrum mi vel
read(20) => sem. Vestibulum ante
read(20) =>  ipsum.
read(20) =>

The copy() function interprets the output name like the Unix command line tool cp. If the named destination refers to a directory instead of a file, a new file is created in the directory using the base name of the source. The permissions of the file are copied along with the contents.

from shutil import *
import os

print 'BEFORE:', os.listdir('example')
copy('', 'example')
print 'AFTER:', os.listdir('example')
$ python

AFTER: ['']

copy2() works like copy(), but includes the access and modification times in the meta-data copied to the new file.

from shutil import *
import os
import time

def show_file_info(filename):
    stat_info = os.stat(filename)
    print '\tMode    :', stat_info.st_mode
    print '\tCreated :', time.ctime(stat_info.st_ctime)
    print '\tAccessed:', time.ctime(stat_info.st_atime)
    print '\tModified:', time.ctime(stat_info.st_mtime)

print 'SOURCE:'
copy2('', 'example')
print 'DEST:'
$ python

        Mode    : 33188
        Created : Sat Jul 16 12:28:43 2011
        Accessed: Thu Feb 21 06:36:54 2013
        Modified: Sat Feb 19 19:18:23 2011
        Mode    : 33188
        Created : Thu Feb 21 06:36:54 2013
        Accessed: Thu Feb 21 06:36:54 2013
        Modified: Sat Feb 19 19:18:23 2011

Copying File Meta-data

By default when a new file is created under Unix, it receives permissions based on the umask of the current user. To copy the permissions from one file to another, use copymode().

from shutil import *
from commands import *
import os

f = open('file_to_change.txt', 'wt')
os.chmod('file_to_change.txt', 0444)

print 'BEFORE:', getstatus('file_to_change.txt')
copymode('', 'file_to_change.txt')
print 'AFTER :', getstatus('file_to_change.txt')

First, create a file to be modified:

# Set up file needed by
touch file_to_change.txt
chmod ugo+w file_to_change.txt

Then run the example script to change the permissions.

$ python

BEFORE: -r--r--r--  1 dhellmann  dhellmann  7 Feb 21 06:36 file_to_change.txt
AFTER : -rw-r--r--  1 dhellmann  dhellmann  7 Feb 21 06:36 file_to_change.txt

To copy other meta-data about the file (permissions, last access time, and last modified time), use copystat().

from shutil import *
import os
import time

def show_file_info(filename):
    stat_info = os.stat(filename)
    print '\tMode    :', stat_info.st_mode
    print '\tCreated :', time.ctime(stat_info.st_ctime)
    print '\tAccessed:', time.ctime(stat_info.st_atime)
    print '\tModified:', time.ctime(stat_info.st_mtime)

f = open('file_to_change.txt', 'wt')
os.chmod('file_to_change.txt', 0444)

print 'BEFORE:'
copystat('', 'file_to_change.txt')
print 'AFTER :'
$ python

        Mode    : 33060
        Created : Thu Feb 21 06:36:54 2013
        Accessed: Thu Feb 21 06:36:54 2013
        Modified: Thu Feb 21 06:36:54 2013
        Mode    : 33188
        Created : Thu Feb 21 06:36:54 2013
        Accessed: Thu Feb 21 06:36:54 2013
        Modified: Sat Feb 19 19:18:23 2011

Working With Directory Trees

shutil includes 3 functions for working with directory trees. To copy a directory from one place to another, use copytree(). It recurses through the source directory tree, copying files to the destination. The destination directory must not exist in advance. The symlinks argument controls whether symbolic links are copied as links or as files. The default is to copy the contents to new files. If the option is true, new symlinks are created within the destination tree.


The documentation for copytree() says it should be considered a sample implementation, rather than a tool. You may want to copy the implementation and make it more robust, or add features like a progress meter.

from shutil import *
from commands import *

print 'BEFORE:'
print getoutput('ls -rlast /tmp/example')
copytree('example', '/tmp/example')
print 'AFTER:'
print getoutput('ls -rlast /tmp/example')
$ python

ls: /tmp/example: No such file or directory
total 8
8 -rw-r--r--   1 dhellmann  wheel  1595 Feb 19  2011
0 drwxrwxrwt  19 root       wheel   646 Feb 21 06:36 ..
0 drwxr-xr-x   3 dhellmann  wheel   102 Feb 21 06:36 .

To remove a directory and its contents, use rmtree(). Errors are raised as exceptions by default, but can be ignored if the second argument is true, and a special error handler function can be provided in the third argument.

from shutil import *
from commands import *

print 'BEFORE:'
print getoutput('ls -rlast /tmp/example')
print 'AFTER:'
print getoutput('ls -rlast /tmp/example')
$ python

total 8
8 -rw-r--r--   1 dhellmann  wheel  1595 Feb 19  2011
0 drwxrwxrwt  19 root       wheel   646 Feb 21 06:36 ..
0 drwxr-xr-x   3 dhellmann  wheel   102 Feb 21 06:36 .
ls: /tmp/example: No such file or directory

To move a file or directory from one place to another, use move(). The semantics are similar to those of the Unix command mv. If the source and destination are within the same filesystem, the source is simply renamed. Otherwise the source is copied to the destination and then the source is removed.

from shutil import *
from glob import glob

f = open('example.txt', 'wt')

print 'BEFORE: ', glob('example*')
move('example.txt', 'example.out')
print 'AFTER : ', glob('example*')
$ python

BEFORE:  ['example.txt']
AFTER :  ['example.out']

See also

Standard library documentation for this module.
File Access
Other utilities for working with files.